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The Green Hornet

2 Feb

The Green Hornet, the latest movie starring Seth Rogen “Britt Reid/The Green Hornet” (Pineapple Express, Superbad and Funny People) along side Jay Chou “Kato”, Christoph Waltz “Benjamin Chudnofsky/Bloodnofsky” (col. Hans Landa from Inglourious Basterds and appearing in the new adaptation of the Three Musketeers) and Cameron Diaz “Lenore Case” (who has not done anything great since Being John Malkovich all the way back in 1999). And stars Tom Wilkinson as James Reid.

Cameo Appearance from the likes of.
James Franco as a dealer named “Danny Clear”.
Edward Furlong plays a meth dealer.

Main Crew:
Directed by: Michael Gondry
Produced by: Neal Moritz
Written/Executive Produced by: Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg

The Story:
Britt Reid is the son of James Reid the publisher of the Los Angeles newspaper “The Daily Sentinel. Britt is your common spoilt rich kid. He parties, sleeps with girls, has endless money and has no job or education. After a heated arguement with his father James. James goes for a walk by himself around their huge mansion. Britt comes back home to find out his father has “supposedly” been killed by a bee sting. After the enevitible funeral takes place Britt fires every single person who was working under his father besides his maid and Kato.

Britt and Kato get drunk one night and agreed that they their hatred for James was mutual. They both thought it would be a great idea to cut off the head of his fathers statue that was given to him by the state of los angeles and all James’s piers.

Later on as they’ve cut off the head of Britt Reid’s father James’s statue, criminals try to attack a guy and a girl who are walking in the street. Britt and Kato fight off the criminals and they actually really enjoyed it. Britt eventually convinces Kato that they should start a team and fight crime in the city of Los Angeles, but the catch is, Britt wants them to pose as criminals to infiltrate real criminals and prevent them from hurting people.

Britt hires Lenore Case as his assistant and reseracher and uses her for advice on how to help himself and Kato raising the green hornets profile worldwide. Lenore gives them an idea of starting from the bottom and making their way to the top by taking out drug labs and lower class criminals so they can slowly make a name for themselves. At this point Lenore does not know that Britt and Kato are the green hornet.

When the green hornet and Kato start destroying meth labs and other drug labs it all goes back to the main bad guy Chudnofsky who was giving a lot of green hornet calling cards after britt and kato destroyed the labs.

Chudnofsky has had enough of the green hornet and kato so he asks to meet them. kato knows this is a trap but britt doesn’t believe so nor does he want to listen to anything kato has to say about it. britt is going with his plan and that’s it. He’s clearly an egomaniac. Chudnofsky nearly gets the chance to kill Britt and Kato when they have a run in at the meeting. Luckly the quick wit of Kato and his done up car save them as they run for their lives and get out of there in one piece.

Barely escaping to the mansion is one piece. Britt and Kato have a little falling out and fight. Britt ends up firing Kato and Lenore, which he believes are an item. Kato logs into the green hornets email address and gets an email from chudnofsky. Chudnofsky offers one million dollars and a half of los angeles if he helps him kill britt reid. Not knowing that britt reid is actually the green hornet.

In the final showdown. Scanlon invites Britt to a meeting at a flashy los angeles resturant.
Britt records Scanlon who is running for mayor. Scanlon tells Britt that he killed his father and if he doesn’t let him choose the news that he wants printed than Scanlon is going to kill him just like he killed his father. A flash back occurs showing that scanlon was the one that killed James reid with an injection.

Kato arrives and attacks Chudnofsky’s mean instead of killing Britt. allowing himself and britt to get out of the resturant even though Chudnofsky now knows that Britt is really the green hornet. A big chase scene happens all the way from the resturant till the daily sentinel.
In the end Britt and Kato kill Chudnosfky.

Final Thoughts:
Honestly, it was an ok movie. I probably wouldn’t go and watch it a second time unless i scored free tickets, or if i got paid to write this review (which i’m not… Clearly). But as i am a huge Seth Rogen fan, i’d still buy the DVD just to add it to my collection and to see what extras they’ve come up with.

6/10 – It could have been better, not a lot of laughs, really. Great action but it could have been way better. Seth and Evan Goldberg are fantastic writers and they can definitely write comedy/action just look at Pineapple Express.

Thanks for reading!

Movie: Gamer

18 Oct


Synopsis by

Gamer is a 2009 science fiction thriller film written and directed by Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor. The film stars Gerard Butler as a participant in an online game in which participants can control human beings as players, and Logan Lerman as the player who controls him. Gamer was released in North America on September 4, 2009 and the United Kingdom on September 16, 2009.

My Review:

So i was told “Gamer” was a good movie, or so i was told. So i thought, sure i’ll go and find it. But surprisingly it happen to be on Movie One last night. So i watched it, just to give it a try.

And well besides the first person view, it’s quite a crap movie. It’s got so many elements already shown in other movies. Like the DOOM and others.

Now i’m not a fan of Gerard Butler, but i did like him in “The Ugly Truth” where he actually had a great character and he pulled it off really good. Nothing against the guy what so ever, but i just felt Gamer was a really boring movie. I was cringing through it and just found it really boring. But i guess that’s just the filmmakers wanted to catch on the buzz of the video game industry at any chance they can get.

I’ve got a thing against video games being turned into movies, this isn’t one of those cases. Seeing as Gamer isn’t even a video game to begin with. But any who, i didn’t really like this movie. I may not be a professional film critic like David Stratton. But i know when i see a bad movie and this was definitely one of them.

The only really outstanding actor was Michael C. Hall, but what would you expect from an awesome actor.


If you disagree with me or would just like to send me a general email then please head on over to your local email sevice and send me an email to

9/11 Updates

11 Sep

Today is definitely a big day (I have to say it’s been twenty minutes since i clicked Post, and i forgot what i wanted to type so i’ll make this quick) Clearly today is september 11, or 9/11 or “The downfall of America”. Now i definitely don’t agree with what has happened and now that it’s Nine years later the threat on America and not just America but the rest of the world is still going.

Especially with this past week and the whole “Burn a Koran Day” Which would have ended badly for everyone involved. Not just America or Australia, i mean “EVERYONE”. Child, Animal, Parent, Women, Man, Water, Sky… Everyone and everything.

Well that’s not all i wanted to blog about… I know it’s been nearly two months without a single blog but that’s understandable when you’ve got your own problems to deal with. And having work today also, blogging becomes the last thing on your mind when it comes to your life.

I’ve taken the time to make two new pages.

  • #1) “Things We Like” :: Which is clearly a page of things i love out there on the internet, and it’s totally different to what the Link page is all about.
  • and

  • #2) “Work” :: This page has everything that has to do with my past, present and future works.
  • Besides those updates, i thought i would update you in my own life. Especially since i’ve been going to the movies a lot and by a lot i mean at least three times a week, but i can’t help that their is currently some awesome movies been out. Like Scott Pilgrim vs. The World and Tomorrow When The War Began. But i’ll get into those more in the podcast form rather than the blog form.

    Also you should always read Encyclopdia Dramatica, because it is totally awesome and it’s always great for a laugh and not to take anything away from 9/11 here is the ED article…. Enjoy.

  • ED Article on 9/11
  • Jonah-H Dot Com joins the stable

    19 Jun

    Jonah-H Dot Com is the newest website to join the Steve Likoski Productions stable, and boy are we glad to have such an awesome site as the second member of the family.

    We’re big fans of Jonah Hill here at Steve Likoski Productions. So go and check it out people and leave feedback and what not. The website is still in productions so please bare with us.

  • Jonah-H Dot Com